Select carefully selected ingredients from various locations,
Eat domestic soba with a freshly struck taste and aroma,
Please enjoy a moment to feel the spirit of the craftsman.
一生懸命 ただただ逢えた人達に おいしいの一言をもらうために 出来ることは全力でやるのみ。
I'll do my best. I will do everything I can to get the delicious words from the people who have praised them.
茨城や日本各地の契約農家さんの 玄蕎麦を、店頭にて石臼挽き。 そばの香りを大切にお届けします。
Grinding millstones from Ibaraki and contracted farmers from all over Japan at the store. We will carefully deliver the scent of buckwheat.
The shopkeeper has been engaged in craftsmanship as a teacher for many years and is made from domestic soybeans using a traditional method. "Okara", which is used in the process of tofu making, is also used for bamboo flower cakes and salads.
出迎える紫陽花に 喧騒を忘れ 穏やかなひとときを。
Forget the busyness and have a peaceful time with the hydrangea you meet.
紫陽花のあるひととき A time with hydrangea
Enjoy the season in a waiting space surrounded by hydrangea.